Source code for commandment.cms.decorators

from typing import List, Tuple

from asn1crypto.cms import CMSAttribute
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from flask import request, g, current_app, abort
from functools import wraps
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from asn1crypto import cms
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from . import _certificate_by_signer_identifier, _cryptography_hash_function, _cryptography_pad_function

def _verify_cms_signers(signed_data: bytes, detached: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[x509.Certificate], bytes]:
    ci = cms.ContentInfo.load(signed_data)
    assert ci['content_type'].native == 'signed_data'
    signed: cms.SignedData = ci['content']

    current_app.logger.debug("CMS request contains %d certificate(s)", len(signed['certificates']))

    signers = []
    for signer in signed['signer_infos']:
        asn_certificate = _certificate_by_signer_identifier(signed['certificates'], signer['sid'])
        assert asn_certificate is not None
        certificate = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(asn_certificate.dump(), default_backend())

        digest_algorithm = signer['digest_algorithm']
        signature_algorithm = signer['signature_algorithm']

        hash_function = _cryptography_hash_function(digest_algorithm)
        pad_function = _cryptography_pad_function(signature_algorithm)

        if hash_function is None or pad_function is None:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported signature algorithm: {}'.format(signature_algorithm))
            current_app.logger.debug("Using signature algorithm: %s", signature_algorithm.native)

        assert signed['encap_content_info']['content_type'].native == 'data'

        if detached:
            data =
            data = signed['encap_content_info']['content'].native

        if 'signed_attrs' in signer and len(signer['signed_attrs']) > 0:
            for i in range(0, len(signer['signed_attrs'])):
                signed_attr: CMSAttribute = signer['signed_attrs'][i]

                if signed_attr['type'].native == "message_digest":
                    current_app.logger.debug("SignerInfo digest: %s", b64encode(signed_attr['values'][0].native))

        else:  # No signed attributes means we are only validating the digest


    # TODO: Don't assume that content is OctetString

    if detached:
        return signers,
        return signers, signed['encap_content_info']['content'].native

[docs]def verify_cms_signers(f): """Verify the signers of a request containing a CMS/PKCS#7, DER encoded body. The certificate of each signer is placed on the global **g** variable as **g.signers** and the signed data is set as **g.signed_data**. In unit tests, this decorator is completely disabled by the presence of testing = True Raises: - TypeError if *Content-Type* header is not "application/pkcs7-signature" - SigningError if any signer on the CMS content is not valid. """ @wraps(f) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): if current_app.testing: return f(*args, **kwargs) current_app.logger.debug('Verifying CMS Request Data for request to %s', request.url) if request.headers['Content-Type'] != "application/pkcs7-signature": raise TypeError("verify_cms_signers expects application/pkcs7-signature, got: {}".format( request.headers['Content-Type'])) g.signers, g.signed_data = _verify_cms_signers( return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorator
[docs]def verify_mdm_signature(f): """Verify the signature supplied by the client in the request using the ``Mdm-Signature`` header. If the authenticity of the message has been verified, then the signer is attached to the **g** object as **g.signer**. In unit tests, this decorator is completely disabled by the presence of app.testing = True. You can also disable enforcement in dev by setting the flask setting DEBUG to true. :reqheader Mdm-Signature: BASE64-encoded CMS Detached Signature of the message. (if `SignMessage` was true) """ @wraps(f) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): if current_app.testing: return f(*args, **kwargs) if 'Mdm-Signature' not in request.headers: raise TypeError('Client did not supply an Mdm-Signature header but signature is required.') detached_signature = b64decode(request.headers['Mdm-Signature']) try: signers, signed_data = _verify_cms_signers(detached_signature, detached=True) g.signers = signers g.signed_data = signed_data except InvalidSignature as e: current_app.logger.warn("Invalid Signature in Mdm-Signature header") if not current_app.config.get('DEBUG', False): return abort(403) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorator