

These are the dependencies for developing with commandment. You won’t need all of these to host it.

Quick Start (Using Homebrew)

First clone the repository, then install dependencies:

$ brew install python3 nodejs yarn
$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv install
$ cd ui && yarn install

The long version

Python 3.6+

Commandment is written using Python 3.6, and uses type annotations as provided by the typing module.

macOS ships with Python 2.7, so you will need to have a separate instance of Python 3.6 installed on your system. You can use Homebrew to install Python 3.6 alongside the system provided Python 2.7.

It’s as easy as:

$ brew install python3

You can also get an isolated environment using something such as Anaconda, which is not covered here.

On Linux you should be able to install python 3 using your distributions packaging tools such as yum or apt-get.

NodeJS 7+

All of the front end tooling requires NodeJS. You can download and install an official package from here. I use nvm to run multiple NodeJS versions at a time, for testing purposes. You may also run:

$ brew install nodejs

Setting up the environment

This part will assume that you have now cloned the git repository somewhere on your system. Usually within your own home folder.


To download the Python dependencies, you first need pipenv. You can install pipenv by running:

$ pip install pipenv

See the pipenv documentation for information about how to install it on other Linux distributions.

Python dependencies

To install python dependencies, change to the commandment directory and run:

$ pipenv install

This should download and install all python requirements into a new virtualenv.


This supersedes the requirements.txt method.

Front end dependencies

All of the front end code is contained within the ui subdirectory, so make that your current working directory.

First, you need to install all of the node dependencies. For this i recommend yarn, which you can install by running:

$ brew install yarn

Then, to install all front end dependencies you can run:

$ yarn install

From the ui directory.

You now have the tools to develop both the backend and front end code.